Civil Service News
December 2024
Make your voice heard!
Please fill out this Google form if you have an issue you would like to bring to the attention of the Civil Service Senate, or if you have any questions about your Civil Service employment. See the Because You Asked section at the end of this newsletter to view responses to questions received from the last newsletter.
- U of M Day at the Capitol: Thursday, February 22, 2025, 10 a.m.
- Lactation Space: Questions about availability or access answered in the Lactation space policy. The University also has a Lactation Advocacy Committee.
- Update Your Beneficiaries: It is a good time to ensure that the people you want to receive money from your HSA, life insurance policy, or retirement accounts, should something happen to you, are listed as beneficiaries. Instructions on how to review and/or add beneficiaries are available on the OHR website.
- University Senate Meeting: The next University Senate meeting is December 5 from 2:30-4:30pm. Anyone is welcome to join and listen in. The agenda and Zoom link are available on the University Senate Governance Senate and Committee Meeting Calendar.
- Virtual Coffee Hour: We had a good turnout for the October 23, 2024 opportunity to learn about the Civil Service Senate! Watch for announcements about future events!
Reflections from the Chair
A few short months into the academic year, fall term is quickly nearing an end, and the snow is (finally) showing up.
I want to spend a moment to call out the great work of past and current Civil Service senators. They are the reason we have this awesome newsletter, and are also the reason why we now have protected paid time to participate as elected officials in shared governance groups like Civil Service Senate or Civil Service Consultative Committee (CSCC). The work of the Civil Service Senate and our Consultative Committee happens because of engaged employees like you. In the beginning of 2025, we will be launching midterm elections to fill out all vacant seats—I welcome all to apply to join us in being the voice of change and workplace improvement!
Self care is often an afterthought for many of us, so as the days grow shorter, I encourage you to step outside and see the sunlight when it’s shining.
CS Senate Chair
Upcoming Events
Civil Service Nominations and Elections
The Civil Service Senate is made up of civil service employees. Getting involved in the senate is a really great way to:
- Network with other civil service employees
- Make your voice and the voices of your civil service co-workers heard
- Get involved with University governance
- Add a leadership role to your resume/CV
The best way to make the civil service voice heard is to have a full senate. These last few years, we haven't been able to fill the senate, and that has reduced our representation at the University Senate level.
- Week of Monday, December 3, 2024: Nomination forms sent out to civil service employees in units with open seats
- Week of Wednesday, December 18, 2024: Nominations close and election ballots sent out to civil service employees in units with open seats
- Expect ballots to close by January 6, 2025
Professional Development Opportunities and Events
- Winter Lights at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
- Featuring more than one million lights, the Arboretum’s annual Winter Lights walking tour transforms the gardens into an illuminated wonderland with nature-themed light displays at every turn. The self-guided, one-mile walk features 15 stops and is open on select evenings
- Nov. 21, 2024-Jan. 5, 2025.
- Bakken Center Mindfulness Programs Information Session
- Date: Tuesday, Dec 10
- Time: 12:00pm
- Location: Online, via Zoom
- Reminder, you can use Coursera for your professional development.
- Looking for More Events? Check other resources such as the News tab in MyU, the Humphrey School of Public Affairs Upcoming Events page, the Wellbeing Program, the CCAPS Free Professional Development Webinars, and the Bakken Center Events page.
Civil Service Governance Updates
Participation in Civil Service subcommittees is open to all civil service employees. Visit the University Senate Governance website for more information.
Civil Service Senate meetings are open for any civil service employee to attend. Meetings are generally held via Zoom. Connection information and agendas are posted on the University Senate Governance Senate and Committee Meeting Calendar once available.
CSCC Meeting Notes | September 12, 2024
The Civil Service Consultative Committee (CSCC) outlined areas of focus for the upcoming year. On the list of priorities are:
- Compensation
- Workforce Reinvestment Resolution
- Improving internal processes for Civil Service Senate and shared governance
- Enhancing historical documentation, information sharing, and transition planning.
- Finalizing a rule change from last spring in the upcoming fall
- Promoting problem-solving within shared governance and leveraging available resources (people, tools, intranet, and documents)
For more detailed information, the CSCC September 12, 2024 Meeting Minutes are available to view on the 2024-25 Civil Service Consultative Committee webpage.
Civil Service Communications and Outreach Subcommittee
The Communications and Outreach Subcommittee met after a hiatus on September 23, 2024. We decided that the Civil Service newsletter draft will be completed for CSCC approval before each CSCC meeting in 2024-2025. We have also set meeting times for the next year. Feel free to join us via Zoom on the 4th Monday of the month (except December).
The purpose of the Communications Subcommittee is to keep constituents informed on matters relating to civil service employees. For more information, visit the Communications Subcommittee webpage.
Contact Rosemary Burns Velez at [email protected] or Emily Danich at [email protected] if you would like to attend a future Communications and Outreach Subcommittee meeting.
Civil Service Compensation and Benefits Subcommittee
Compensation & Benefits Committee Upcoming Meetings:
- January 16: Guest presentation on parking and transportation options with Nick Mabee from Parking and Transportation Services.
- February 20: Mary Voss from Minnesota State Retirement System (MSRS). Please email questions to Kelsey Zimmerman at [email protected] by 2/17/25.
The Compensation and Benefits (C&B) Subcommittee broadly represents civil service employees in the governance processes at the University in the areas of compensation, job classification, employee benefits, and the University's organizational goals. Read more on the Comp & Benefits webpage.
Please contact Kelsey Zimmerman at [email protected] if you would like to attend this or any future meeting of the Comp & Benefits Subcommittee.
Civil Service Employment Rules Subcommittee
Currently, the Employment Rules Subcommittee is working with partners in administration to bring proposed Civil Service Employment Rules changes regarding hours of service in shared governance and MN Earned Sick & Safe Time before the Board of Regents for a vote. The changes have already been approved by OHR and the CSCC.
The Rules Subcommittee reviews and maintains the Civil Service Employment Rules (Rules), recommends interpretations of the Rules to the CSCC, and manages the Rules revision process. Read more on the CS Employment Rules Subcommittee webpage.
Please contact Charles Rank at [email protected] or Randy Brooks at [email protected] if you would like to attend a future Employment Rules subcommittee meeting.
Because You Asked…
Q: Why doesn’t the UMN subsidize the cost of employee parking?
A: All Twin Cities benefits-eligible faculty and staff can receive unlimited access to all transit systems in the Twin Cities metro area (instructions on how to set up your UCard for transit access). However, not all U of M employees can drive to work to receive a reduced cost parking lot benefit. But don’t despair! It is possible to drive to a Metro area Park & Ride and use transit to get to work for free. Use this tool to find the Park & Ride lots nearest you.
Q: Why doesn’t UMN pay out for sick time when an employee separates from the U?
A: In the state of Minnesota, vacation time is considered as compensation and it is generally paid out upon separation. Sick time is a wellness benefit. It is not considered compensation, and does not require a pay out upon separation.
Please see the Civil Service Employment Rules for more information.
Q: Why doesn’t UMN offer time-in-service credit for work performed at other public entities in the current civil service contract?
A: This issue has been presented to OHR in the past and Stacy Maher, the CSCC chair, will be discussing this issue in the next monthly meeting with OHR.
Q: How can I deal with issues of stress, work-life balance, and burnout?
A: If you are experiencing burnout, excessive stress, or issues coping with daily life, please access the Employee Assistance Program. Through Lyra Health, UMN provides care for your overall wellbeing at no cost to you.
Did You Know?
University of Minnesota employees can receive 200 wellness points by viewing a free CCAPS professional development webinar. After viewing a CCAPS webinar, complete this form to record your wellness points.
Contact Us
Stacy Maher, [email protected], Civil Service Senate Chair
Cole Hanson, [email protected], Civil Service Senate Chair-Elect
To suggest an addition to the next CS Newsletter please email Rosemary Burns Velez [email protected] or Emily Danich [email protected]