The Student Senate Nominating Subcommittee reviews nominees/applicants for vacant Student Senate seats on the Twin Cities campus, and makes recommendations to the Student Senate for approval.
2023-24 Student Senate Nominating Subcommittee Leadership
Committee Charge
SSCC Procedures for electing Twin Cities Student Senators
According to the Student Senate Bylaws, Article V, Section 2(b)(2),
"2. Twin Cities
a. Between February 1 and June 1 of each year, Twin Cities units as listed in Section 1 of this Article shall conduct an election for Student Senate members and alternate members, if any, for the following year, in partnership with the All-Campus Election Commission (ACEC). In the case a senator is not elected through the ACEC election process, any open Student Senate seats from Twin Cities units as listed in Section 1 of this Article shall be immediately filled by the Student Senate Consultative Committee with approval of the Student Senate. The Student Senate Consultative Committee shall establish its own procedures, in accordance with the constitution, for conducting elections.
b. A senator may designate anyone from the appropriate unit pool to serve as an alternate in the senator's absence by providing notice to the Senate Office prior to the commencement of any meeting of the University or Student Senate.
c. All members elected to the Student Senate shall begin service on July 1 and shall serve for one year. Elected members of the Student Senate shall not serve more than four one-year terms, or any part thereof, in any six year period.”
Student Senate Nominating Subcommittee Charge
The Student Senate Consultative Committee (SSCC) shall establish a Student Senate Nominating Subcommittee to review nominees/applicants for vacant seats and make recommendations to the Student Senate for approval. The Student Senate Nominating Subcommittee shall work with ACEC in the fall to recruit membership to the Student Senate. Recruitment activities may include, but are not limited to: assisting interested students with candidate filing through ACEC, holding events sponsored by ACEC to increase voter participation, reaching out to college boards, members of the Academic Health Center Student Consultative Committee (AHC SCC), and to Twin Cities cultural centers, Greek life, and others to recruit a diverse membership to the Student Senate. Results of these recruitment efforts will be reported to the SSCC annually. The Student Senate Nominating Subcommittee shall be composed of:
- Student Senate/SSCC Chair
- Student Senate/SSCC Vice Chair
- One additional Twin Cities member of the SSCC elected by the SSCC
- One Twin Cities graduate/professional student senator elected by the Student Senate
- One Twin Cities undergraduate student senator elected by the Student Senate
One of the SSCC members shall serve as chair of the Student Senate Nominating Subcommittee. If the Student Senate/SSCC Chair and/or Student Senate/SSCC Vice Chair positions are held by a non-Twin Cities student, then the SSCC will elect additional Twin Cities SSCC members to serve on the Subcommittee in lieu of these positions.
If a Twin Cities unit has a vacancy, an email will be sent to all students in that unit asking interested students to apply for service. This process will start immediately after the ACEC elections process if no senator has been elected. In the event a Twin Cities senator is elected to serve as chair, vice chair, or ranking student senator, the Student Senate Nominating Subcommittee will immediately begin the process to fill their senate seat.
The Student Senate Nominating Subcommittee will review the applications and make recommendations to the Student Senate for their approval.
If future vacancies arise in the same Twin Cities units, the Student Senate Nominating Subcommittee can choose to either send another request for applicants, or draw from the pool that was already solicited.
Revisions approved by the SSCC December 13, 2017.