The All-University Honors Committee solicits, reviews, and recommends nominations for various University honors including, honorary degrees, Outstanding Achievement Awards, Awards of Distinction, Alumni Service Awards, and honorific namings of significant University assets.

2024-25 All-University Honors Committee Leadership

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Meeting Schedule

2024-25 Meeting Schedule

The All-University Honors Committee meets Tuesdays from noon - 1:30 p.m., unless otherwise noted. 

October 1, 2024noon-1:30 p.m.Online Via Zoom
December 3, 2024noon-1:30 p.m.Online Via Zoom
March 4, 2025noon-1:30 p.m.Online Via Zoom
April 1, 2025noon-1:30 p.m.Online Via Zoom

Committee members will be automatically added to a Google Calendar invite for these meetings at the beginning of the 2024-25 academic year. 

Committee Charge

University Senate Bylaws, Article II., Section 5


The All-University Honors Committee solicits and reviews nominations for all-University honors.


The All-University Honors Committee shall be composed of: 

  • no more than 8 faculty members (including one from each system campus, where appropriate), 
  • 2 academic professional members, 
  • 3 students, 
  • 2 civil service members,
  • 5 alumni, and 
  • ex officio representation as specified by vote of the University Senate.

Faculty, academic professional, civil service, and student members shall be appointed by the Committee on Committees. Alumni members shall be appointed by the director of alumni relations.

Duties and Responsibilities

a. To solicit campuses, institutes, schools, and colleges for nominations for various University honors, naming of buildings, and nominations for outstanding achievement awards.

b. To review such material and make recommendations to the president, who will refer such matters to the Board of Regents for final selection.

c. To keep all deliberations and votes confidential except where publication is necessary for official purposes.

d. To recommend to the Senate Consultative Committee such actions or policies as it deems appropriate.

(updated: 7/19/16)

Submission Deadlines for Nominations

2024-25 Nomination Submission Deadlines 

The 2024-25 nomination submission deadlines to the Senate All-University Honors Committee can be found on this document.