The Disabilities Issues Committee recommends University policies, procedures, programs, and services concerning faculty/academic professionals, students, staff, and guests of the University with disabilities. 

2024-25 Disabilities Issues Committee Leadership

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Meeting Schedule

2024-25 Meeting Schedule 

The Disabilities Issues Committee meets Wednesdays from 10-11:30 a.m., unless otherwise noted. 

September 25, 202410-11:30 a.m.Online Via Zoom
October 23, 202410-11:30 a.m.Online Via Zoom
November 20, 202410-11:30 a.m.Online Via Zoom
January 22, 202510-11:30 a.m.Online Via Zoom
February 19, 202510-11:30 a.m.Online Via Zoom
April 16, 202510-11:30 a.m.Online Via Zoom

Committee members will be automatically added to a Google Calendar invite for these meetings at the beginning of the 2024-25 academic year. 

Committee Charge

University Senate Bylaws, Article II., Section 5


The Disabilities Issues Committee recommends University policies, procedures, programs, and services concerning faculty/academic professionals, students, staff, and guests of the University with disabilities.


The Disabilities Issues Committee shall be composed of: 

  • at least 7 faculty members,
  • 2 academic professional members,
  • 4 students (two graduate/professional and two undergraduates),
  • 2 civil service members, and
  • ex officio representation as specified by vote of the University Senate.

Faculty, academic professional, civil service, and student members shall be appointed by the Committee on Committees.

Duties and Responsibilities

a. To advise the president and administrative offices, including the disability resource centers at each campus and the University ADA Coordinator, on policies, programs, and services for students, faculty, staff, and guests of the University.

b. To promote best practices and improve the campus climate around disability issues.

c. To review policies and recommend changes regarding best practices, deployment of resources, and effectiveness in meeting the needs of the University community (students, faculty, staff, and guests).

d. To inform and advise the University community of the special concerns of its members with disabilities and of the available resources.

e. To meet reguarly with campus stakeholders, such as campus health and counseling services, in order to collborate and give feedback on issues relevant to the University disability community.

f. To recommend to the University Senate and the Senate Consultative Committee resolutions, actions or policies as it deems appropriate.

(updated: 5/4/17)