The Senate Committee on Finance and Planning serves as the consultative body to the president and senior University officers on all major issues of planning, budget, resource allocation policy, and University operations. The committee is expected to consider matters of University-wide policy or effect.
2024-25 Senate Committee on Finance and Planning Leadership
Meeting Schedule
2024-25 Meeting Schedule
The Senate Committee on Finance and Planning meets Tuesdays from 3-5 p.m., unless otherwise noted.
September 17, 2024 | 3-5 p.m. | Online Via Zoom |
October 15, 2024 | 3-5 p.m. | Online Via Zoom |
December 17, 2024 | 3-5 p.m. | Online Via Zoom |
January 21, 2025 | 3-5 p.m. | Online Via Zoom |
February 18, 2025 | 3-5 p.m. | Online Via Zoom |
March 18, 2025 | 3-5 p.m. | Online Via Zoom |
April 15, 2025 | 3-5 p.m. | Online Via Zoom |
May 13, 2025 | 3-5 p.m. | Online Via Zoom |
Committee members will be automatically added to a Google Calendar invite for these meetings at the beginning of the 2024-25 academic year.
Committee Charge
University Senate Bylaws, Article II., Section 5
The Finance and Planning Committee serves as the consultative body to the president and senior University officers on all major issues of planning, budget, resource allocation policy, and University operations.
The committee is expected to consider matters of University-wide policy or effect.
The Committee may, from time to time, act as a Twin Cities campus committee, and take up matters exclusively of concern to the Twin Cities, and may appoint subcommittees to deal with issues that pertain to the entire University or only to the Twin Cities campus.
The Finance and Planning Committee shall be composed of:
- 10 faculty members,
- 2 academic professional members,
- 4 students,
- 2 civil service members, and
- ex officio representation as specified by vote of the University Senate.
Faculty, academic professional, civil service, and student members shall be appointed by the Committee on Committees.
Duties and Responsibilities
a. To consult with and advise the president and senior University officers on planning, and in particular on financial and operational planning.
b. To consult with and advise the president and senior academic and financial officers on the development of the biennial request, of supplemental budget requests, and the annual budget and to review the implementation of the annual budget.
c. To consult with and advise the president and senior University officers on the development of the University's capital budget and capital plans, the biennial capital request, supplemental capital requests, and the implementation of capital projects.
d. To participate in the development and review of all physical facilities planning.
e. To consult with and advise the president and senior University officers on the financial and operational aspects of all major proposals and policy initiatives.
f. To consult with and advise the president and senior University officers on other questions of resource allocation, including space allocation.
g. To consult with and advise the president and senior University officers on the periodic review of University operations.
h. To recommend to the Faculty Consultative Committee, Senate Consultative Committee, or to other Senate committees such actions or policies as it deems appropriate.
i. To take up other matters as shall be referred to the committee by the Faculty Consultative Committee, the Senate Consultative committee, or other Senate Committees.
(updated: 7/19/16)
Resolutions, Statements, and Documents
- Letter to President Gabel re SVP Selection and Transition - October 2020
- Ad Hoc Budget Committee Report - November 2007