The Senate Library Committee represents faculty, civil service, academic professional, and student interest in the libraries of the University of Minnesota. The Senate Library Committee discusses library administration issues such as acquisitions, accessibility, and electronic services, as well as serves in an advisory capacity to the library directors.

2024-25 Senate Library Committee Leadership

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Meeting Schedule

2024-25 Meeting Schedule

The Senate Library Committee meets Tuesdays from 1-2:30 p.m., unless otherwise noted. 

September 10, 20241-2:30 p.m.Online Via Zoom
October 8, 20241-2:30 p.m.Online Via Zoom
November 12, 20241-2:30 p.m.Online Via Zoom
February 11, 20251-2:30 p.m.Online Via Zoom
March 18, 20251-2:30 p.m.Online Via Zoom
April 15, 20251-2:30 p.m.Online Via Zoom

Committee members will be automatically added to a Google Calendar invite for these meetings at the beginning of the 2024-25 academic year. 

Committee Charge

University Senate Bylaws, Article II., Section 5


The Library Committee represents faculty, academic professional, civil service, and student interest in the University libraries.


The Library Committee shall be composed of: 

  • 12 faculty/academic professional members, 
  • 4 students, 
  • 1 civil service member, and 
  • ex officio representation as specified by vote of the University Senate.

Faculty, academic professional, civil service, and student members shall be appointed by the Committee on Committees. Academic professionals members must be eligible to serve in the Faculty Senate. Civil service members shall not be a library employee.

Duties and Responsibilities

a. To make recommendations to the University Senate on all matters concerned with the policies, administration, programs, and services for students, faculty, staff, and stakeholders of all libraries of the University of Minnesota system.

b. To advise the directors and other heads of libraries of the University of Minnesota.

c. To evaluate University-wide library facilities, services, and collections to promote enhanced learning and meet the research and community engagement needs of the campus community.

d. To recommend to the Senate Consultative Committee such actions or policies as it deems appropriate.

e. To engage with campus stakeholders in order to collaborate and give feedback on issues relevant to the libraries of the University of Minnesota.

(updated: 4/17/18)
