What is your role at the University of Minnesota? What do you do in a typical day/week?
I am the Undergraduate Research Coordinator for the College of Biological Sciences. The majority of my responsibilities center around helping students navigate the research opportunities available to them as undergraduates here at the University of Minnesota. I meet with students in one-on-one appointments to discuss potential faculty mentors, how to craft a professional email, and what to expect once they are in a lab setting. When I am not working directly with students in appointments, I am hosting workshops, co-teaching the Honors Thesis writing course for CBS, and working with research mentors to develop undergraduate projects.
How does your work impact the University community?
I have the unique opportunity to contribute to both the educational and research missions of the University, because my work is all about connecting CBS undergraduates with opportunities to do research during their undergraduate careers.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
I really love hearing students talk about the research that they have done in their lab. Early on in their experience, students are usually able to explain the overall goals of the lab, the main questions being asked, and some basic level of detail about what they are doing. As students progress and take on more responsibility, those explanations become much more complex, students start to take ownership over their projects and become experts. Watching that progression is definitely one of my favorite parts of this role and the relationships I build with students!
What would people never guess you do in your job?
I am part of the Welcome Week College Day planning committee for CBS. This year, I arranged for 541 first-year students to tour 31 different labs on two campuses during Welcome Week, providing the newest CBS students with a firsthand look at the incredible research happening at the U.
What do you like best about working at UMN?
I think the faculty here at the University of Minnesota are absolutely amazing and incredibly invested in our undergraduates. Faculty are willing to give lab tours, table for events and connect with students. I love working in a place where it is clear that the faculty and staff are devoted to improving and supporting the undergraduate experience.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I am not entirely sure where I will be in 5 years, but I hope to be in a role where I am still serving students at the University of Minnesota. I really enjoy the administrative parts of my job and the connections I am able to building with faculty, staff and students. I hope whatever I do next will incorporate those aspects of my current role.
What is one thing you couldn't live without?
My family and friends. My partner and my son are both really awesome and super fun. The rest of my family is in NC and I don't see them as much as I would like. Thankfully, I have a wonderful "family by choice" in the friends I have made in MN.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I knit. A lot. I usually have a project with me in case I have a few minutes to knit a few stitches. I am currently working on a cardigan for myself.
What was your best vacation?
I am originally from NC and I have spent many wonderful vacations throughout my life at the Outer Banks. My entire family and my partner's family are spending this Thanksgiving there, in fact. The beach is probably one of my favorite places to be anytime of the year!