Fall 2021 Semester Update

A Message from the Chair
The Big Issues

  • Caste-based discrimination
  • Namings and Renamings policy
  • The PEAK Initiative

A View from the Inside: Demystifying Consultation
University Senate Governance Working For U

  • Updates from the five consultative committees

Spotlight On: Nicole Smiley
University/Faculty Senate Meeting Recaps
From the Director
Welcome, Erin!

Spring 2021 Semester Update

Adjourned: A Message from SCC/FCC Chair Phil Buhlmann

Recognizing Outstanding Service to University Senate Governance: Terry Beseman, Etty DeVeaux, Tabitha Grier-Reed

The Big Issues: Proctorio, Recommendations to the M Safe Implementation Team, Fixed Term/Contract Faculty and Instructors

University Senate Governance Working For U: Updates from the Faculty, Student, Civil Service, and P&A Consultative Committees

Spotlight On: Briggs Tople

University/Faculty Senate Meeting Recaps: February 25, March 25, and April 22, 2021

Message from the Director: Looking Forward

Fall 2020 Semester Update

December 11, 2020

Adolfo Carrillo Cabello poses with Goldy Gopher. They are seated in chairs on Northrop Mall. It is sunny, they have their arms around one another's shoulders, Adolfo is smiling, Goldy is giving the thumbs up.

This edition of the Semester Update includes a message from Professor Phil Buhlmann, chair of the Faculty and Senate Consultative Committees; an update on recruitment efforts from Etty DeVeaux, chair of the Senate Committee on Committees, and a word from the director of the Senate Office, Vickie Courtney. Also covered are the big issues of the semester (S/N grading and Board of Regents Policy: Alcoholic Beverages on Campus), as well as updates from the consultative committees and recaps of three University/Faculty Senate meetings. Adolfo Carrillo Cabello (left) is featured in the Spotlight.

Spring 2020 Semester Update

A word from Faculty/Senate Consultative Committee Chair Amy Pittenger

Recognizing Outstanding Service to University Senate Governance
This year’s recipients are Jean Otto, Jennifer Goodnough, and Greta Friedemann-Sánchez.

The Big Issues
Systemwide Strategic Plan, Health Sciences Area Security, Mental Health Environmental Scan

A View from the Inside: The Essential Diversity in Shared Governance
Etty DeVeaux, chair, Senate Committee on Committees

University Senate Governance Working for U
Reports from the executive committees of the Faculty; Student; P&A; and Civil Service Senates.

Demystifying: The Student Sexual Misconduct Hearing Process
Bobbie Erichsen, hearing officer, Student Sexual Misconduct Subcommittee

University/Faculty Senate Meeting Recap
A brief recap of the April 23, 2020 meeting of the University and Faculty Senates.

Spotlight On: Professor Jeffrey Schott
Chris Kwapick, senate associate, University Senate Office

Spotlight on Rachna Shah


Rachna Shah

You learn something new every day. For many people, that’s just an age-old saying. For Rachna Shah, professor of Supply Chain and Operations at the Carlson School of Management, it’s a way of life. She sees everything along the way, however circuitous that way may be, as an opportunity.