P&A Senate Newsletter
November 2022
- Latest News
- P&A Driving MPact 2025
- Senate Work
- Additional Updates
- Upcoming PACC Conversations
Contents: Latest News, P&A Driving Excellence, Senate Work, Additional Updates
February 11, 2021
Paid Leave During COVID-19
After careful consideration, the University has reset the emergency leave available for faculty, staff, and student workers under the University Emergency Paid Leave for COVID-19 policy. This decision was made because the federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) ended on December 31, 2020, and the University is committed to providing adequate leave during COVID-19 in order to maintain the health and wellbeing of the University community. Click to read more.
A joint Civil Service Brown Bag and P&A Senate Seminar Series Presentation
Mike Miller, U of M Legislative Advocacy Coordinator, is passionate about helping U of M students, faculty, and staff influence the legislative process through quick, simple actions. Mike has spent the last 20 years involved in Minnesota politics, starting before his graduation from the Twin Cities campus in 2002.
This session, presented by Marianne Johnson, will highlight the University of Minnesota’s Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing’s Wellbeing Model and its application in fostering resilience in individuals and teams.
Catherine Rasmussen has 35 years of experience as an educator of leadership development and is a certified Emotional Intelligence trainer. She brings a passion for engaging participants in the joy of learning about themselves and others in order to create change.
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2019 Outstanding Unit Award! The Award recognizes a University unit (department, center, institute, college, etc.) judged to be exemplary in its support of P&A staff and the critical role P&A employees fulfill in carrying out the University’s mission. The winning unit receives a $1,000 professional development grant. Any unit employing P&A staff is eligible to apply. Units that previously received the award must wait three years before applying again. A complete set of guidelines is available, along with information about past award winners. Deadline for nominations is 5pm on April 5, 2019. Click here for the application form. For more information, please contact the Outstanding Unit Award committee chair.
This winter has given all of us cocktail party conversation fodder for the rest of our lives! It has also given us an opportunity to showcase how the P&A Senate advocates for you.